Common Land Unit Identifier Profile

A system-generated internal identifier of a common land unit (CLU). This identifier is for internal access use only.

A CLU is the smallest unit of land that has a permanent, contiguous boundary, common land cover and land management, a common owner, and a common producer association.

A CLU is closely related to FSA''s definition of 'fields', according to Handbook 2-CP. A CLU is also closely related to land units such as parcels, farmsteads, and lots that are used by NRCS, RMA and RD.

The authoritative source of CLU Identifier is Farm Records. CLU Identifier can remain constant even if the precise geospatial shape of the CLU is slightly altered.
Property Definition
Example c2e455c0-7214-4e40-8e08-edfb4e48cbef
Data Type Code Integer
Minimum Length Number 1
Maximum Length Number 36

Business Rules

Source Description
Acreage Crop Reporting This field is Mandatory
Acreage Crop Reporting Must be associated with the Field associated with the tract and for the Farm as found in the CLU layer
Acreage Crop Reporting Must use active combinations of Administrative State FSA Code, Administrative County FSA Code, Farm Number, Tract Number, Field Number, and CLU Identifier per FSA Farm Records
Acreage Crop Reporting Must in format XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX